VAT Relief

Relief for the disabled or chronically ill

All the information your enter will be kept strictly confidential.

UK Customers: If you are chronically sick or disabled ShowerSpaah products are available free of VAT if you are buying them for personal and domestic use and they are relevant to your condition.

To claim VAT relief, the individual or individuals living at the delivery address provided, must have a relevant disability.

This gives scope for relief to be claimed even if you are buying on behalf of someone entitled to exemption.

If you are in any doubt as to your status, please check with your local Customs and Excise VAT office who will be able to confirm your eligibility.

Please note there are penalties for making false declarations.

Non-UK Customers: You do not have to pay VAT in the UK so please selected the VAT relief button and just enter your country instead.

Relief for charities

If you are buying on behalf of a registered charity and want to claim tax relief then please get in touch and we'll do our best to help.